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About Us
- After trading forex and equities for past 30 years we are convinced the crypto market is here forever. The opportunity to make higher return over years to come we believe because of the infancy of the new market with plenty of growth.
- Both markets have advantages but we believe the crypto market takes less trading skill and more business sense to make higher returns consistently over the long term. We believe since crypto marketplace has only $2 trillion market capitalization in a $300 trillion market and trades 0nly $150 billion daily in a $5 trillion a day global capital flow marketplace the returns could be huge if have right crypto looking for next bitcoin. OUR MISSION
- Help people become profitable
- Protect capital while trading with risk mgmt
- Teach people how to invest in cryptos
- Help people with advice they can bank on
- Manage your money with confidence
Bitcoin Money Center Inc.
Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm